Wednesday, April 30, 2008

An Atheist Reads the Bible (Mission Statement).

So over the past few months, when I haven't posted anything on here at all, I have become more and more of a Atheist, the expelled commentary happening just as I was reading the god delusion probably didn't help my once strong spiritual side. And I know how religious people like to claim that if Atheists just read the scripture they will be saved, now, that seems like a fine experiment to do as, because it is the foundation for a large amount of western culture I have been meaning to comprehensibly read the bible for years, hence my new plan. I will read the bible using the order of the liturgical calendar (as to get a sampling of all of the scripture each week) and give comments and thoughts on the passages.

The first episode will be posted shortly. But first a rundown of how the system will work (at least ideally)

Each week I will update 4 times, once for the old testament reading, once for the new testament reading, once for the psalm and once for the gospel. I will be using the Episcopal Lectionary because I grew up in the Episcopal faith (and to be honest, I still have a little part in my heart for the great writing of the BCP)

So.... lets do it to it

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